Wednesday, March 1, 2017


“I am willing to go anywhere at any time to do anything for Jesus.”
-Luther Wishard

I starred this quote when I heard it two years ago. But I just stared at it last night.

This is the kind of quote we love to write on posters, coffee mugs, Facebook, etc.

In a class I’m taking (for the third time and it's still blowing my mind), we’ve been talking about a lot of the missionaries in recent history. The two that have stuck out most are William Carey and Adoniram Judson. They left their homes to take the Gospel to people who had never heard it.

 “I love Jesus! I would do that! I am willing to go anywhere at any time to do anything for Jesus!”  is an easy thing to say. It sounds noble, and I think most of us partly mean it.

But rarely do we, myself included, consider the weight of this statement.

Anywhere. Anytime. Anything.

Anything. Would I do anything for Jesus?

Judson and Carey left knowing that they would likely never see their families again. That’s one thing. Would I do that for Jesus?

Carey’s 5-year old son Peter contracted and died from dysentery within hours. Would I face that for Jesus?

His wife Dorothy was in such despair over her son’s death that she had to be kept in isolation. She died of disease years later. His next wife, Charlotte, died as well. Would I suffer that for Jesus?

He spent seven years in India before seeing anyone come to faith. Would I endure that for Jesus?

He lost the copies and translations of the Scripture he had worked on for years in a fire. Would I keep going for Jesus?

Judson labored for 6 years before seeing any new believers. Would I wait that long for Jesus?

He was locked in a prison, in which he could not even stand up straight, for two years. Would I still live for Jesus?

He lost three children, and his wife shortly after his release. Would I persist in ministry for Jesus?

But it wasn't in vain. It wasn't a loss.
Carey helped translate Scripture into 40 languages for the first time. He brought the Gospel of Jesus to India, one of the most populous places on earth. He almost single-handedly stopped the practice of burning widows alive with their deceased husbands.

Judson persisted and translated the Burmese Bible. He was key in the beginning of U.S missions overseas. Because of Judson’s pioneer movement and 38 years of life in Burma, there are over two million believers there today.

Before he died, Carey said, “When I am gone, say nothing about Dr. Carey — speak about Dr. Carey’s God.”

Even when he died, he did not take the credit for being willing to do anything for Jesus.

They were willing to go anywhere, even though the world tried to convince them to stay.
They were willing to go at any time, even though it wasn’t convenient.
They were willing to do anything, even at the expense of their own lives.

Am I willing to go anywhere at any time to do anything for Jesus?

Are you?

If we’re not, Lord, make us willing to go anywhere at any time to do anything for You. 
Test us to show us that You are better than the things You give us.
Burden us with the people on earth who do not know You sent Jesus.
Lead us to them, Lord.
Make our hearts believe that there is nothing worth more than You, Jesus.

God, make us willing to go anywhere at any time to do anything for You. 

More info about Judson and Carey here:

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